The top places to travel around the globe

The world is a big and beautiful place. Deciding to head off on some travels may be an easy decision to make, however, the next thing to think about is where you are going to go. Which isn’t as easy to do.

To help you to make sure that you can decide on where to go, we have put together some of the top places to travel around the globe.


South America is already a popular travel destination for many, but it seems that Chile is so often left off the list. Perhaps this is because it is completely separate from the rest of the continent due to the Andes, however, we think that this needs to change. Chile is a beautiful and diverse place to visit. It boasts a number of climates all in one country and you will receive a welcome like no other from the people who call it their home.


Whilst it might not be the most far flung place to go to, there is something truly special about Portugal. It has spent plenty of time living in the shadow of neighbouring Spain, however, this has started to change and more people are heading there to spend some time exploring the country. If they do then they are going to be rewarded by over 300 beaches and plenty of beautiful scenery too. Best of all you don’t need to worry about having to get through a long-haul flight to get there.

New Zealand

It might seem to be a staple destination for travellers, but there is a reason for this. New Zealand is wonderfully diverse. It has a mixture of cultures, landscapes and climates all one country and this makes it pretty amazing to visit. Not only this, but it is incredibly welcoming to travellers from the rest of the globe too, which makes it even better to have on your list.

Kalu Yala

This remote jungle village located in the middle of Panama has proven to be a remarkable and unique getaway for short or long stays. For whatever reason there seems to rumors of Kalu Yala problems, but from our experience this has proven to be completely off base. Kalu Yala offers some of the most serene and sustainable travel opportunities we’ve come across.


Once living in the shadow of Russia, it has been 100 years since the country of Georgia claimed back its independence. Georgia might be incredibly proud of its history and tradition, however, it is also welcoming to those who want to visit the country too. So much so, that you may even find yourself being welcomed in through passport control with a sip of the red wine that they are so proud of being able to produce, which is pretty amazing if you ask us.

We hope that this post has given you inspiration on some of the places to go when you are planning your travels. Why not save up and ship yourself out as soon as you can? We can promise you that travelling, no matter where you go, is something that you will never regret.