Being a lawyer can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when you are overworked and constantly have cases. As a result, it can be quite hard to go on vacation and actually enjoy your time when work is on your mind. Even the best lawyers, like Douglas Healy, need to take a vacation sometime. With that said, here are 5 tips to help you enjoy your vacation and forget that you’re a lawyer for a few days.
Remote/Off the Grid
For starters, try to find a location that is remote/off the grid. Most of these places will make it possible to not have cell service or wifi. This means that you won’t be reachable and you can just enjoy everything around you. If possible, try and be in one of these locations for at least a few days of your vacation. You’ll be surprised at how much you notice and enjoy without always having to stop to answer a call or message. Not only can you really take in the scenery, but you can have wonderful and meaningful conversations with the people you’re on vacation with or the locals. This will give some pretty amazing memories and you’ll be happy that you go the chance to experience it.
Go Out of Your Comfort Zone
Another thing you can do is go out of your comfort zone. When you’re at work, you do the same things over and over again. It’s very easy to get into a routine and only want to do the things you’re used to. While you’re traveling, though, there are many opportunities that may come up that aren’t necessarily going to be in this zone. This could be anything from something you’ve never tried or something you’ve thought about but have been scared of trying. Do things that you never thought you’d try and things that you might only get to do once in your lifetime. It might be scary or uncomfortable at the time, but it might end up being the best memories of your trip.
Relaxation Comes First
Besides making memories and doing awesome activities, one of the biggest and most important parts of vacation is relaxation. This is especially crucial if you’re overworked and don’t get much downtime at home. Let this vacation be a time of rejuvenating yourself and really getting back in tune with your body. Regardless where you visit, there’s a high possibility that you can find some things to do that promote relaxation. This includes things like natural springs or getting a wonderful massage. If those don’t seem like something you’d enjoy, you can lay outside in the sun or relax in your room and just watch television or read a book. You know how you relax, so do things that you know will help with it.
Less Technology
You’ll also want to use less technology. As more and more technology is available these days, it can easily become consuming. While on vacation, try and stay off technology as much as possible. While it’s fine to check messages or calls occasionally, you don’t want it to be something that takes up all of your time. If need be, lock your technology in a lockbox or find somewhere to put it so you aren’t tempted to use it. It might not seem like a big deal, but just a few minutes on your phone can easily turn into hours or the entire day, which results in you still being consumed by work and not enjoying or relaxing on your vacation!
Stay Moving
One other thing you can do is make sure you stay moving. Being still and bored means your mind is going to wonder back to things relating to your work. If at all possible, try and fill your day with fun and activities. Don’t make yourself completely exhausted, but do things that will keep your mind occupied and having fun. If you aren’t sure what’s available, talk to the locals to see what kinds of activities they recommend and go from there. You might find some hidden gems that you didn’t know about!
With these tips, even lawyers with a high caseload, like Douglas Healy, can take a vacation they enjoy. It’s not fun to have work on your mind all the time and it’s especially upsetting when you just want to just enjoy your family. Take these tips into consideration, so you have a higher chance of enjoying your vacation instead of obsessing about work